Bea in Squad Busters

Is Bea Good in Squad Busters?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Short Answer

Yes, Bea is good in Squad Busters due to her high damage output and the powerful support of her bee companions.

Bea, a Rare character from Brawl Stars, makes a significant impact in Squad Busters with her unique abilities and high damage output. Unlocked in the Desert World, Bea’s low health is offset by her formidable attack capabilities and the supportive role of her bee companions. This article explores Bea’s stats, abilities, and strategies to help you determine if she is a valuable addition to your squad.

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About Bea

  • Origin Game: Brawl Stars
  • World: Desert World
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Class: Attacker


  • Health: 900
  • Damage: 200
  • Fusion Health: 3150
  • Fusion Damage: 410
  • Fusion Perk: Gains a hive with double the bees


Baby Ability (Character Level 1)

  • Effect: Bea can pick up hives in the game maps, which grant her a circle of two bees. These bees deal damage to any target they hit and last for 90 seconds.

Classic Ability (Character Level 1)

  • Effect: Adds an additional bee to the circle of bees obtained from hives.

Super Ability (Character Level 1)

  • Effect: The bees from hives remain with Bea for the entire duration of the battle.

Ultra Ability (Character Level 1)

  • Effect: Increases the speed at which the bees circle around Bea, enhancing their damage potential.

Offensive Strategy

Bea excels in offensive roles, primarily due to her high damage output and the support from her bee companions. Utilizing her Baby ability to gather hives and amass a circle of bees can significantly increase her damage potential. The Classic ability enhances this by adding more bees, making her even more formidable.

Tips for Offensive Use:

  1. Collect Hives Early: Prioritize picking up hives to get the initial circle of bees, which adds to your damage output.
  2. Maximize Bee Count: Use the Classic ability to increase the number of bees around Bea, boosting her offensive capabilities.
  3. Leverage the Ultra Ability: The increased circling speed from the Ultra ability means more frequent hits on enemies, maximizing damage.

Defensive Strategy

While Bea is not primarily a defensive character due to her low health, her bees can still provide some defensive utility. The bees can deal continuous damage to approaching enemies, providing a buffer for Bea to reposition or retreat.

Tips for Defensive Use:

  1. Maintain Distance: Keep Bea at a safe distance from enemies to take advantage of her ranged attacks.
  2. Use Bees as a Shield: Position Bea in a way that the circling bees can hit enemies before they reach her, providing some protection.
  3. Retreat Strategically: Use the bees’ damage to cover your retreat if Bea’s health gets too low.


Bea comes with several beta skins, offering visual customization options that can add a personal touch to your gameplay.

Available Skins:

  • Beetle
  • Evil
  • Stag Beetle

Bea is a strong contender in Squad Busters, particularly in offensive roles where her high damage and bee companions can be fully utilized. Her abilities allow her to adapt to various combat scenarios, making her a versatile and valuable addition to your squad. However, due to her low health, it’s essential to use her strategically, keeping her at a distance and leveraging her bees for maximum damage.

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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