Bull in Brawl Stars mobile game

Is Bull Good in Brawl Stars?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Short Answer

Bull is a powerful brawler in Brawl Stars, excelling in close-range combat with high health, strong burst damage, and effective area control.

Bull is one of the most formidable tank brawlers in Brawl Stars, known for his high health, powerful close-range attacks, and ability to bulldoze through enemies and obstacles alike. But, let’s see if Bull is really good in Brawl Stars and if he is the right choice for you.

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Bull’s Abilities

Bull is designed for close-quarters combat, and his abilities reflect his aggressive playstyle. Here’s a closer look at what he brings to the battlefield:

Primary Attack – Double-Barrel: Bull’s primary attack is a shotgun blast that deals massive damage up close but spreads out and weakens over distance. This makes him a fearsome opponent in tight spaces.

Super Ability – Bulldozer: Bull charges forward, dealing damage to enemies in his path and destroying obstacles. This can be used for both offense and defense, allowing Bull to initiate fights, escape danger, or reshape the battlefield.

Gadgets and Star Powers:

  • T-Bone Injector (Gadget): Bull instantly heals 1500 health, giving him a quick boost in survivability during fights.
  • Stomper (Gadget): Bull stops his super charge and slows down enemies around him.
  • Berserker (Star Power): When Bull’s health drops below 60%, his reload speed doubles, allowing him to dish out more damage quickly.
  • Tough Guy (Star Power): When Bull’s health drops below 40%, he gains a shield that reduces all damage taken by 30%, increasing his tankiness.

What are Bull’s Strengths?

High Health:

  • Bull’s high health pool makes him one of the tankiest brawlers in the game. He can absorb a lot of damage, making him a frontline brawler who can lead the charge and soak up hits for his team.

Close-Range Damage:

  • Bull’s shotgun blast is devastating at close range. He can quickly take down squishy brawlers and deal significant damage to tanks if he can get close enough.

Area Control:

  • Bull’s super ability, Bulldozer, allows him to control the battlefield by breaking walls and creating new paths. This can disrupt enemy strategies and open up new opportunities for his team.


  • With his T-Bone Injector gadget and Tough Guy star power, Bull can heal and shield himself, increasing his longevity in battles and making him even harder to take down.

Bull’s Weaknesses

Limited Range:

  • Bull’s effectiveness diminishes significantly at long range. His shotgun spread makes it difficult to hit targets from a distance, putting him at a disadvantage against long-range brawlers.


  • Bull’s straightforward playstyle can be predictable. Experienced opponents can anticipate his moves, especially his super, and counteract his charges with ease.


  • Despite his charging super, Bull’s regular movement speed is average, making it difficult for him to close the gap on nimble or fast-moving brawlers without using his super.

Game Modes where Bull Excels

Showdown (Solo and Duo):

  • Bull excels in Showdown due to his high health and burst damage. He can ambush enemies in bushes, secure power cubes, and dominate in close-range fights. His super also provides mobility and escape options.


  • Bull is a top-tier pick in Heist, where his high damage output can quickly shred the enemy safe. His super is great for breaking walls and gaining direct access to the safe.

Brawl Ball:

  • In Brawl Ball, Bull’s tankiness and ability to break walls with his super make him an excellent choice for both offense and defense. He can clear a path for the ball carrier or score goals himself.


  • Bull is effective in Siege, where he can control the middle area, collect bolts, and use his super to break enemy defenses. His high health makes him a formidable opponent against the enemy siege bot.

Bull is undoubtedly a powerful brawler, especially in close-range combat and specific game modes like Showdown, Heist, and Brawl Ball. His high health, burst damage, and area control abilities make him a valuable asset in many situations. However, his limited range and predictability can be a drawback against skilled opponents and long-range brawlers. Overall, Bull is a strong choice for players who enjoy an aggressive, tanky playstyle and can leverage his strengths to dominate the battlefield.

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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