Heavy in Squad Busters

Is Heavy Good in Squad Busters?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Short Answer

Heavy is good in Squad Busters due to his high health, impressive damage output, and abilities that boost shooting speed and provide healing.

Heavy, a Common character from Boom Beach, is a powerhouse in Squad Busters, boasting high health and impressive damage output. Unlocked in the Beach World, Heavy is a ranged attacker whose abilities make him a formidable defender on the battlefield. This article explores Heavy’s stats, abilities, and strategies to determine his effectiveness in your squad.

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Basic Information

  • Origin Game: Boom Beach
  • World: Beach World
  • Rarity: Common
  • Class: Defender


  • Health: 2300
  • Damage: 200 (Character Levels 1 and 2), 250 (Character Level 3)
  • Fusion Health: 8050
  • Fusion Damage: 400
  • Fusion Perk: Yet to be revealed


Baby Ability (Character Level 1)

  • Effect: Increases shooting speed when Heavy remains stationary.

Classic Ability (Character Level 1)

  • Effect: Enhances shooting speed further and provides healing when shooting faster.

Super Ability (Character Level 1)

  • Effect: Raises the maximum shooting speed.

Ultra Ability (Character Level 1)

  • Effect: Amplifies the healing effect when shooting faster.

Offensive Strategy

Heavy excels in offensive roles with his high damage output and abilities that boost his firing rate and sustain. By leveraging his Baby and Classic abilities, Heavy can become a rapid-firing, self-healing machine, mowing down enemies from a distance.

Tips for Offensive Use:

  1. Hold Your Ground: Utilize the Baby ability by staying stationary to increase your shooting speed.
  2. Maximize Fire Rate: Activate the Classic and Super abilities to further boost your shooting speed, overwhelming enemies with a barrage of bullets.
  3. Sustain in Battle: Rely on the healing effects from the Classic and Ultra abilities to keep Heavy in the fight longer, making him difficult to take down.

Defensive Strategy

Heavy’s high health makes him an excellent defensive unit, capable of withstanding substantial damage while providing cover fire for his squad. His abilities enhance his durability, making him a key player in maintaining a strong defensive line.

Tips for Defensive Use:

  1. Frontline Defender: Position Heavy at the front to absorb enemy attacks and protect weaker squad members.
  2. Stationary Defense: Use the Baby ability to increase shooting speed when holding a position, creating a defensive stronghold.
  3. Healing Boost: Leverage the Ultra ability to amplify healing during prolonged engagements, ensuring Heavy remains a tough nut to crack.

Available Skins

  • Future (Cyber Coach)
  • Karate (Sensei)
  • Wolf (Werewolf)

Heavy is a versatile and powerful character in Squad Busters, capable of excelling in both offensive and defensive roles. His high health, substantial damage output, and abilities that boost shooting speed and provide healing make him a valuable asset to any squad.

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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