Emotes in Squad Busters

Squad Busters Emotes: Explanation

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Fact checked by:
Srdjan Markovic
Short Answer

In Squad Busters, emotes are expressive tools used during battles to communicate with opponents, available in Common, Rare, and Epic types.

In Squad Busters, emotes are a fun and expressive way to communicate with your opponents during battles. With a variety of emotes available, you can convey your feelings, taunt your enemies, or celebrate your victories. Here’s everything you need to know about emotes in Squad Busters.

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Types of Emotes

Squad Busters features three different types of emotes, each varying in rarity and style:

  1. Common Emotes
    • Basic expressions and gestures that are easy to obtain and use.
  2. Rare Emotes
    • More unique and detailed animations that stand out from common ones.
  3. Epic Emotes
    • Highly detailed and often animated emotes that showcase your achievements and add flair to your interactions.

Using Emotes in Battle

Using emotes during battle is simple and adds an extra layer of fun to the game. To use an emote:

  1. Tap the speech bubble icon located in the top right corner of the screen during a battle.
  2. Select one of the four emotes you have equipped to express yourself.

You can bring up to four emotes into each battle, allowing for a range of expressions and interactions with your opponents.

Getting Emotes

Emotes can be obtained through Emote Packs, which are available in the Squad Journey. As you progress through the game, you’ll unlock more emote packs, adding to your collection. Currently, there are 90 different emotes available in the game, offering plenty of variety and options for players to discover.

Emote Collection

To view and manage your emote collection:

  1. Tap the speech bubble icon at the bottom of the pre-game view.
  2. This will open your Emote Collection, where you can see all the emotes you have unlocked.
  3. Select the four emotes you want to bring into your next battle from this collection.

In the Emote Collection, you can also browse the emotes you have yet to unlock, giving you a goal to strive for as you progress in the game.

Emotes in Squad Busters add a dynamic and entertaining element to battles, allowing you to express yourself and interact with opponents in unique ways. With a total of 90 emotes to collect, there’s a wide range of expressions at your disposal. By using the Emote Packs in the Squad Journey and managing your Emote Collection, you can personalize your in-game interactions and make each battle even more engaging.

Dive into Squad Busters, start collecting those emotes, and let your personality shine on the battlefield!

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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