Chest in Squad Busters

Squad Busters Chest: Everything You Need You Know

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Fact checked by:
Srdjan Markovic
Short Answer

In Squad Busters, Reward Chests are obtained through the Squad Journey, Gem Pass, and Battles, and come in three types (Common, Rare, Epic) and three sizes (Normal, Big, Super Big) to unlock new characters.

In Squad Busters, Reward Chests are your primary source for unlocking new Characters. These chests can be obtained through the Squad Journey, Gem Pass, and Battles. They come in three types: Common, Rare, and Epic, and three sizes: Normal, Big, and Super Big. The higher the rarity, the better the Characters you can get, while larger chests contain more Characters.

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Understanding Reward Chests

Reward Chests in Squad Busters function similarly to Starr Drops from Brawl Stars or Lucky Drops from Clash Royale. Chests from the Journey or Pass have a set default rarity and can be tapped to increase their rarity (unless they are already Epic) or size. Battle chests, however, start as Common and can be upgraded in rarity or size through taps. To earn these chests, you need Chest Tickets, which are discussed below.

Chest Tickets

Chest Tickets are necessary for obtaining Reward Chests at the end of a match. You can buy them in the Shop (one for 2000 Coins or five for 10000 Coins) or get them from the Squad Journey and Gem Pass. Chest Tickets refill every three hours, up to a maximum of three tickets. For more information on how to get more Chest Tickets, visit this guide.

Maximize Your Chests with Chest Doublers

Chest Doublers are special items that double the contents of your Battle Reward Chests for a limited period. You can unlock these doublers from the Gem Pass, making them a valuable asset for players looking to maximize their rewards.

Win Streaks and Taps

Maintaining a win streak in Squad Busters increases the number of taps you receive, allowing you to upgrade your chest’s size and rarity. Here’s a quick breakdown of how many taps you get based on your win streak:

Win Streak Taps Cost to Keep Streak
0 0 Upgrade orb 0 Coins
1 0 Upgrade orb 250 Coins
2 1 Upgrade orb 500 Coins
3 1 Upgrade orb 750 Coins
4 2 Upgrade orbs 1000 Coins
5 2 Upgrade orbs 1500 Coins
6 2 Upgrade orbs 2000 Coins
7 2 Upgrade orbs 2500 Coins
8 2 Upgrade orbs 3000 Coins
9 2 Upgrade orbs 4000 Coins
10+ 3 Upgrade orbs 5000 Coins

If you don’t finish in the top five, you lose your streak but can pay coins to maintain it. However, free-to-play players are generally advised against this.

The Chest Cycle

The rarity of chests follows a predefined 60-chest cycle rather than being random. Here’s the cycle:

Chest Type Quantity
Common 36
Rare 18
Epic 6

Once the cycle completes, it starts over. The number of characters you unlock remains random within the cycle.

Odds of Getting New Characters

Opening a chest guarantees a new character if you don’t already have any characters of the chosen rarity. Otherwise, there’s a 1% chance of unlocking a new character, regardless of the number of taps. Additionally, chests without any +1s may still grant a new character.

Chance of Evolved Characters

You have a low chance of obtaining an already evolved Character from a Reward Chest. Here are the odds:

Evolution Level Chance
Baby Character level 1 98.9%
Classic Character level 1 1%
Super Character level 1 0.1%

Getting Babies from Chests

If a chest contains a baby, it starts with one unit, with more units added based on taps. Upgrading the chest consumes taps, so rarer chests obtained from battles usually have fewer units on average.

Units per Tap Chance
0 40.0%
1 46.8%
2 4.2%
3 4.2%
4 1.8%
5 1.8%
6 1.2%

Each tap, on average, grants 0.912 units.

Maximize your Squad Busters experience by strategically using Reward Chests. Keep playing, collecting, and upgrading to build the ultimate squad. Happy busting!

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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