Cash boost in Monopoly GO mobile game

What is Cash Boost in Monopoly GO?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Fact checked by:
Srdjan Markovic
Short Answer

Cash Boost in Monopoly GO is a special event where cash earned from core gameplay actions is temporarily doubled.

Monopoly GO has introduced various features to keep the gameplay exciting and rewarding for its players. One such feature is the Cash Boost event, which can significantly enhance your earnings during gameplay. This guide will explain what Cash Boost is, how it works, and the best strategies to maximize your benefits from this event.

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Understanding Cash Boost

Cash Boost is a special event where the cash earned from core gameplay actions is temporarily doubled. These core actions include rolling dice, landing on property tiles, triggering shutdowns, and performing heists. It’s important to note that this boost does not apply to cash earned from live events, milestones in tournaments, banners, or mini-games.

How Does Cash Boost Work?

  • Activation:
    • The Cash Boost event is a passive event that activates automatically. Typically, it appears once every two days and lasts for about five to ten minutes.
  • Earnings Doubling:
    • While the Cash Boost is active, any money earned from core gameplay actions is doubled. This means that the cash you collect from landing on properties, rolling doubles, and other regular in-game activities will be significantly higher.
  • Exclusions:
    • The doubling effect does not extend to earnings from live events, milestones, banners, or mini-games. However, it does apply to money collected from railroad spaces.

Timing and Frequency

The Cash Boost event appears approximately every two days and is active for a short window of five to ten minutes. This brief duration means players need to be prepared to take full advantage of the boost when it becomes available.

Best Strategies for Using Cash Boost

To maximize the benefits of the Cash Boost event, consider the following strategies:

  • Pair with Mega Heists:
    • Combining Cash Boost with Mega Heists can lead to substantial earnings. Mega Heists already offer the potential to earn large sums, and with the doubling effect of Cash Boost, your rewards can be even more significant.
  • Stay Active:
    • Keep an eye on the daily boost schedule in Monopoly GO. Knowing when the Cash Boost is likely to appear allows you to plan your gameplay accordingly.
  • Maximize Core Actions:
    • During the Cash Boost window, focus on performing as many core gameplay actions as possible. Roll the dice frequently, aim to land on property tiles, and trigger shutdowns to maximize your doubled earnings.
  • Utilize Railroad Spaces:
    • Remember that railroad spaces also benefit from the Cash Boost. Landing on these spaces during the event can significantly increase your cash reserves.
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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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