Mortis in Brawl Stars

Is Mortis Good in Brawl Stars?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Short Answer

Mortis is good for skilled players who can leverage his high mobility and burst damage, excelling in game modes like Gem Grab and Brawl Ball, but may struggle in modes that favor long-range combat.

Mortis, the dashingly dark brawler from Brawl Stars, often captures the interest of players with his unique playstyle and striking appearance. Known for his mobility and burst damage capabilities, Mortis can be a powerful asset in the right hands. However, his effectiveness greatly depends on the game mode and the player’s skill level. Let me explain to you the strengths and weaknesses of Mortis to determine if he truly stands out as a top choice in Brawl Stars.

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What are Mortis’s Abilities

  • Main Attack: Shovel Swing

Mortis wields his shovel with a quick dash forward, attacking enemies with a swipe. This ability allows him to move quickly across the battlefield, dodging attacks and closing gaps between enemies.

  • Super: Life Blood

His Super unleashes bats that drain health from enemies and heal Mortis for a portion of the damage dealt. This can be crucial for sustaining himself in combat, especially when facing multiple opponents.

  • Star Powers and Gadgets

Mortis’s gadgets and star powers further augment his battlefield control. His Creepy Harvest Star Power allows him to heal after defeating an opponent, which significantly boosts his survivability. The Combo Spinner gadget adds an extra layer of attack, dealing damage to all nearby enemies, which can be pivotal during close encounters.

Game Mode Performance

  • Gem Grab

Mortis excels in Gem Grab due to his ability to quickly dash in, grab gems, and escape without engaging in prolonged fights. His agility makes him a superb choice for snatching gems and dodging incoming attacks.

  • Brawl Ball

In Brawl Ball, Mortis is a fan favorite. His dash makes him one of the best dribblers in the game, capable of maneuvering around opponents and scoring goals. However, his success in Brawl Ball requires precise control and timing to maximize his mobility without wasting his dashes.

  • Bounty

Mortis can struggle in Bounty unless played with extreme precision. His need to get close to deal damage can be a disadvantage against long-range brawlers who dominate this mode.

  • Showdown (Solo and Duo)

In Solo Showdown, Mortis’s effectiveness varies. He thrives in maps with lots of bushes and obstacles, using his quick dashes to ambush other brawlers and avoid confrontations. In Duo Showdown, his ability to quickly revive and support his teammate with quick strikes and retreats makes him a valuable ally.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • High mobility and excellent at dodging attacks.
  • Effective at quickly closing gaps to engage or disengage as needed.
  • Super ability that heals, increasing his longevity in fights.


  • Requires close range to deal damage, which can be risky against heavy hitters.
  • Relatively higher skill ceiling due to the need for precise movement and attack timing.
  • Can be ineffective if isolated or outnumbered, as he relies on hitting enemies to recharge his Super.

Is Mortis good in Brawl Stars? The answer depends largely on the player’s skill level and preferred game modes. Mortis offers a unique and rewarding experience for those who master his playstyle, excelling in modes like Gem Grab and Brawl Ball where his mobility and quick striking ability can be fully utilized.

He may not be the best choice for beginners or in modes that favor long-range combat, but for players willing to invest time in learning how to effectively use Mortis, he can be a dynamic and formidable brawler in Brawl Stars.

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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