Kit in Brawl Stars illustration

Is Kit Good in Brawl Stars?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Short Answer

Kit is a strong choice, excelling in game modes like Gem Grab and Brawl Ball with her unique double-hit attack and rapid mobility, making her effective for aggressive players who master her precise mechanics.

Kit has quickly sparked interest among players with her dynamic abilities and strategic potential. In this post, I will introduce you to Kit’s skills, analyze her performance in various game modes, and determine just how good she is in the current meta of Brawl Stars.

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What are Kit’s Abilities?

  • Main Attack: Gear Grinder

Kit’s main attack launches a gear that travels in a straight line, damaging any enemy it hits. The gear returns to Kit after reaching its maximum range or hitting an obstacle, damaging enemies on its return path as well. This boomerang-like mechanism allows Kit to hit enemies twice with a single attack, making her particularly effective in narrow corridors and predictable paths.

  • Super: Overdrive

Kit’s Super charges her up, increasing her movement speed and attack speed dramatically for a few seconds. This boost can turn the tide of battle by enabling Kit to overwhelm opponents with a rapid barrage of gears or escape from dangerous situations.

  • Gadgets and Star Powers

Kit’s gadget, Turbo Tune-Up, instantly recharges her Super, providing a strategic advantage in crucial moments. Her Star Power, Mechanical Mastery, increases the damage of her gears each time they hit an enemy, stacking up to three times. These enhancements make her a formidable presence on the battlefield.

How Kit Behaves in Different Game Modes

  • Gem Grab

Kit excels in Gem Grab, where her ability to control lanes and keep opponents at bay with her gears can protect the gem carrier and disrupt enemy formations. Her Super also allows her to quickly collect gems and retreat to a safe distance when under pressure.

  • Brawl Ball

In Brawl Ball, Kit’s rapid fire rate and movement speed boost make her effective at breaking through enemy lines and creating scoring opportunities. Her gears can clear the path for teammates or defend against incoming attackers.

  • Heist

Kit is useful in Heist for both offense and defense. She can quickly deal damage to the safe with her enhanced attack speed, and her gears can be used to control the area around the safe, preventing enemies from approaching.

  • Showdown (Solo and Duo)

In Showdown modes, Kit’s survival depends heavily on positioning and timing. Her abilities provide strong burst damage and mobility, which can be decisive in one-on-one encounters. However, she may struggle against brawlers with superior range or burst damage if caught in the open.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • High damage potential with the ability to hit enemies twice with her gears.
  • Increased mobility and attack speed with her Super, allowing for aggressive plays and quick retreats.
  • Effective in controlling lanes and managing space with precise gear throws.


  • Relatively low health makes her vulnerable to snipers and heavy-hitters.
  • Requires precise aiming and timing to maximize the potential of her gears.
  • Less effective in open areas where enemies can easily dodge her attacks.

Kim’s versatility and unique attack mechanism make her a strong choice in many game modes. Kit thrives in environments where she can utilize her gear’s double-hit capability and quickly maneuver with her Super. She suits aggressive players who can capitalize on her rapid attack speed and movement abilities. 

While Kit does have weaknesses, such as her vulnerability to long-range attacks and reliance on precise skill shots, mastering her can lead to impressive results and significantly impact the outcome of battles. If you enjoy a high-energy playstyle with the potential for high rewards, Kit is definitely a brawler worth considering.

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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