Colette build illustration

Best Colette Build in Brawl Stars 2024

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Short Answer

For Colette, the top setup boosts her unique damage-dealing ability, using the Gotcha! gadget for health recovery and Mass Tax Star Power for extra defense, with Damage and Speed gears to up her game.

In the arena of Brawl Stars, Colette stands out with her unique damage mechanics and tactical gameplay. Finding the optimal build for Colette becomes crucial to leverage her full potential against various Brawler types. This post will guide you through the best Colette build, focusing on her gadgets, star powers, and gear choices, to enhance her performance on the battlefield.

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Which Build is the Best for Colette

The best build for Colette focuses on maximizing her unique ability to deal damage based on the opponent’s current health, making her especially effective against tankier Brawlers.

For gadgets, Gotcha! is the top choice, healing Colette for 80% of the damage dealt to enemies for the next 5 seconds after activation. This gadget significantly increases her survivability in various game modes by allowing her to recover health while dealing damage​​.

When it comes to Star Powers, Mass Tax is preferred. This Star Power provides Colette with a 20% shield for 5 seconds after using her Super, and hitting enemy Brawlers with her Super increases the shield by an additional 10% per hit. This enhancement greatly boosts her defense, making her more resilient in team fights and when engaging multiple enemies​​​​.

For gear selection, prioritizing Damage and Speed gears can be beneficial. Damage gear increases her output when her health falls below 50%, while Speed gear enhances her movement, allowing for quicker positioning and escape, which is crucial for a hit-and-run playstyle like Colette’s​​.

Colette excels in 3 vs. 3 modes, especially in team-oriented scenarios like Siege and Heist, where her ability to deal significant damage to both Brawlers and objectives shines. However, her performance can vary in solo play, so understanding the dynamics of each match and choosing the right build to complement her strengths is key to maximizing her effectiveness in Brawl Stars. Don’t forget that Colette is often considered as one of the most stylish Brawlers, with plenty of skins that let you express your personal style.

Wrapping Up

To really nail it with Colette, picking the best build is key. My advice is to go with the Gotcha! gadget and Mass Tax Star Power for a killer combo that lets her tackle those tough opponents while staying quick and sturdy. Just remember, the right build can make all the difference, turning Colette into a powerhouse on the battlefield.

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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