Achievement book in Squad Busters

What is the Achievement Book in Squad Busters?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Fact checked by:
Srdjan Markovic
Short Answer

The Achievement Book in Squad Busters is a comprehensive list of objectives that players complete to earn Portal Energy and unlock various rewards.

The Achievement Book in Squad Busters is a comprehensive list of objectives that players need to complete to earn Portal Energy. This Portal Energy is crucial for progressing through the game’s world levels. As you advance, you unlock various rewards such as Coins, New Characters, Epic Chests, Rare Chests, Chest Doublers, Hammers, Emote Packs, and even New Worlds.

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Types of Achievements

The Achievement Book is divided into three main categories: Monsters, Battle Mods, and Spells. Each category has specific tasks that players must complete.

  1. Monsters:
    • Tasks involve defeating certain types of monsters.
    • Examples: Bust Loot Goblins x400, Bust Pinatas x700, Bust Dart Goblins x1200.
  2. Battle Mods:
    • Tasks require completing objectives in specific battle modes.
    • Examples: Finish in the top 3 in Double Trouble mode x15, Finish in the top 3 in Loot Goblin Rush x15, Finish in the Top 3 in Pinata Party x15.
  3. Spells:
    • Tasks involve using specific spells during battles.
    • Examples: Use the heal spell 250 times, Use the rage spell 250 times, Use the Cannon spell 250 times.

How to Use the Achievement Book

To make the most out of the Achievement Book:

  • Complete Tasks: Focus on completing the tasks listed under each category. This will help you accumulate Portal Energy faster.
  • Strategize Gameplay: Tailor your gameplay to meet the requirements of the Achievement Book. This might mean prioritizing certain spells or focusing on particular battle modes and monsters.
  • Earn Rewards: As you progress through the levels by earning Portal Energy, you will unlock various rewards that will aid in further advancing your squad and improving your gameplay.

Progressing Through Worlds

The Portal Energy earned from the Achievement Book helps you progress through different worlds in the Squad Busters game. Each world offers unique challenges and rewards, keeping the gameplay exciting and rewarding. The main worlds include:

  • Green World
  • Desert World
  • Royal World
  • Beach World

Successfully navigating through these worlds and completing their challenges will eventually lead you to the Squad League, where even more competitive and rewarding gameplay awaits.

The Achievement Book in Squad Busters is your key to unlocking a world of rewards and advancing through the game’s many levels. Strategize your gameplay to maximize your achievements and reap the benefits of your efforts. Dive into the Achievement Book, conquer each objective, and lead your squad to victory.

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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