Greg in Squad Busters

Is Greg Good in Squad Busters?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Short Answer

Greg is good in Squad Busters due to his resource-gathering abilities, which provide a crucial early-game advantage by quickly amassing coins, gems, and hearts.

Greg, a common character in Squad Busters, is unlocked in the Green World. He hails from the game Hay Day and offers a unique set of abilities focused on resource gathering rather than combat. But how effective is Greg in the game? Let’s dive into his abilities, strategies, and overall utility to determine his value in your squad.

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Greg’s Abilities

Greg’s abilities revolve around chopping trees to gather loot, making him an essential character for early resource accumulation.

  1. Baby Ability
    • Chops Trees for Loot: Greg wields an axe to chop down trees, which drop coins and gems when destroyed.
  2. Classic Ability
    • Chops Trees Twice as Fast: This ability doubles Greg’s tree-chopping speed, allowing you to gather resources more quickly.
  3. Super Ability
    • Trees Drop More Loot: With this ability, trees yield more coins and gems, enhancing your resource collection.
  4. Ultra Ability
    • Trees Drop a Heart: This ultimate ability causes trees to drop a heart, providing a healing element for your squad when trees are destroyed.

When Greg chops down a tree, the loot varies depending on his ability level:

  • Baby or Normal Greg:
    • Coins: 6 (Guaranteed)
    • Gems: 2 (Guaranteed)
  • Super Greg:
    • Coins: 9-10 (Guaranteed)
    • Gems: 3 (Guaranteed)

Offensive Strategy

While Greg isn’t a strong damage dealer, he plays a crucial role early in the game. By focusing on chopping trees, Greg can quickly amass resources that allow you to expand and strengthen your squad faster than your opponents. This resource boost can give you a significant advantage as the game progresses.

Defensive Strategy

Greg lacks direct defensive capabilities, which means his value lies in his ability to farm resources efficiently. Early game, it’s essential to use Greg to chop down as many trees as possible to build a strong foundation for your squad. His abilities to gather coins, gems, and even hearts provide the necessary support for your team to thrive.

Is Greg good in Squad Busters? Absolutely. While he may not excel in direct combat, his abilities to gather resources efficiently make him invaluable, especially in the early stages of the game. By prioritizing resource collection with Greg, you can build a more robust squad quickly, giving you an edge over your opponents. So, if you want to gain a strategic advantage through resource management, Greg is a must-have in your Squad Busters lineup.

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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