Penny in Brawl Stars game

Is Penny Good in Brawl Stars?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Short Answer

Penny is good in Brawl Stars due to her area control, splash damage, and versatile turret, making her effective in various game modes.

Penny is the plucky pirate with a penchant for explosives, but is she truly good in Brawl Stars? I am here to dive into Penny’s abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and the best strategies for using her effectively.

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Overview of Penny

Penny is a long-range Brawler who excels at area control and dealing splash damage. Her abilities make her a versatile choice in various game modes, especially those that benefit from controlling specific zones or dealing with grouped enemies.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • Main Attack: Plunderbuss

Penny’s main attack shoots a pouch of gold coins that burst on impact. While the initial hit deals moderate damage, the burst effect can hit enemies behind the primary target, dealing splash damage. This makes her particularly effective against clustered enemies or targets hiding behind obstacles.

  • Super Ability: Old Lobber

Penny’s Super deploys a cannon turret that automatically fires at enemies within its range. The turret has a long reach and deals substantial damage, making it a powerful tool for area denial and support.


  • Pocket Detonator: Penny’s turret explodes, dealing significant damage to nearby enemies. This can be used defensively or to clear out enemies hiding near her turret.
  • Captain’s Compass: Penny targets an area, and her turret fires a barrage of cannonballs at the specified location, dealing massive damage to anyone caught in the blast zone.

Star Powers:

  • Last Blast: Upon destruction, Penny’s turret shoots out four bombs that scatter and explode, dealing damage to enemies caught in their path.
  • Balls of Fire: The cannonballs from Penny’s turret leave a burning effect on the ground, damaging enemies over time if they stay in the area.

Strengths of Penny

  • Area Control: Penny’s abilities are excellent for controlling specific areas of the map. Her turret provides significant zone denial, making it difficult for enemies to advance.
  • Splash Damage: Her main attack’s splash damage is effective against grouped enemies, allowing her to hit multiple targets with a single shot.
  • Versatility: Penny’s combination of long-range attacks and defensive turrets makes her versatile across various game modes, including Gem Grab, Bounty, and Heist.

Weaknesses of Penny

  • Reliance on Turret: Penny’s effectiveness often hinges on her turret. If the turret is quickly destroyed, her overall impact on the match diminishes.
  • Fragile Turret: While powerful, her turret can be easily targeted and destroyed by enemy Brawlers, especially those with high burst damage.
  • Moderate Health: Penny’s health pool is moderate, making her vulnerable if caught out of position or focused by multiple enemies.

Best Strategies for Using Penny

  • Optimal Turret Placement: Place Penny’s turret in strategic locations where it can cover key areas and be protected from direct attacks. Corners and behind obstacles are ideal spots.
  • Leverage Splash Damage: Aim Penny’s attacks to maximize splash damage. Target enemies hiding behind others or near walls to ensure the burst hits multiple foes.
  • Use Gadgets Wisely: Use Pocket Detonator to clear enemies around your turret or to protect it from being destroyed. Use Captain’s Compass to disrupt enemy formations or to deal massive damage in clustered areas.
  • Support Your Team: Penny excels in supporting roles. Use her turret to provide cover fire for teammates or to control zones crucial to game objectives.

Penny’s abilities to control areas, deal splash damage, and support her team with a powerful turret make her a valuable asset in many game modes. While she has weaknesses, such as reliance on her turret and moderate health, strategic play can mitigate these issues. For players who enjoy a mix of offense and support, Penny offers a rewarding and effective gameplay experience. With the right tactics, Penny can easily dominate the battlefield, so take all the advantages of her.

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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