Brawl Stars club kick

How to Kick Someone Out of Your Club in Brawl Stars?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Fact checked by:
Srdjan Markovic
Short Answer

To kick someone out of your Club in Brawl Stars, Presidents and Vice Presidents can remove members through the Club menu by selecting the member’s profile and confirming the removal.

Managing a Club in Brawl Stars involves ensuring that all members are active, respectful, and contributing positively to the group. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to remove a member who is not adhering to the Club’s standards. I’ll walk you through the steps to kick someone out of your Club in Brawl Stars, the considerations to keep in mind, and best practices for maintaining a healthy Club environment.

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Understanding Club Roles

Before you can kick someone out of a Club, it’s essential to understand the roles within the Club:

  • President: The leader of the Club, with full administrative powers, including the ability to kick members.
  • Vice President: Appointed by the President, a Vice President also has the power to kick members.
  • Senior: Seniors have some administrative responsibilities but cannot kick members.
  • Member: Regular members without administrative powers.

Only Presidents and Vice Presidents have the authority to kick someone out of the Club.

Steps to Kick Someone Out

If you have the appropriate role, follow these steps to remove a member from your Club:

  • Open the Club Menu: Tap on the Club icon on the main screen to enter the Club menu.
  • Access the Members List: Navigate to the members list within the Club menu. This will display all current members along with their roles and contributions.
  • Select the Member: Find the member you wish to remove. Tap on their name to open their profile.
  • Remove the Member: In the member’s profile, you will see an option to kick or remove the member. Tap this option and confirm your decision.

Considerations Before Kicking a Member

Kicking a member from your Club is a significant action and should be taken with caution. Here are some considerations:

  • Communication: Before kicking someone out, consider communicating with them to understand their perspective and resolve any issues amicably.
  • Activity Level: Check the member’s activity level. If they’ve been inactive for an extended period, it might be justifiable to remove them to make room for active players.
  • Behavior: If a member is being disruptive or disrespectful, ensure you have documented instances of their behavior. This can help in explaining your decision to the rest of the Club.
  • Club Rules: Refer to your Club’s rules and guidelines. Ensure that the decision to remove a member aligns with these established norms.

Best Practices for Maintaining a Healthy Club

Maintaining a healthy and active Club requires ongoing effort and good leadership. Try following my tips:

  • Set Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate the Club’s expectations regarding activity, participation, and behavior.
  • Foster a Positive Environment: Encourage respectful communication and teamwork. Celebrate achievements and support members who may be struggling.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Regularly review the activity levels and contributions of Club members. This helps in identifying and addressing issues early.
  • Engage Members: Organize Club events and challenges to keep members engaged and motivated. Active participation helps build a strong community.

Kicking someone out of your Club in Brawl Stars is a straightforward process for those with the necessary administrative roles. However, it’s a decision that should be made carefully, considering the impact on the Club’s dynamics and morale. By fostering a positive and active environment, setting clear expectations, and addressing issues proactively, you can maintain a thriving Club that enhances the gaming experience for all members.

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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