Brawl Stars game, Brock vs Colt illustration

Who is Better in Brawl Stars: Brock or Colt?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj

The debate between choosing Brock or Colt is a common one among players. Both brawlers possess unique strengths that make them valuable in different scenarios. I will try to explain attributes and disadvantages of both of them so you can determine which one will work better for you. Now, let’s compare them.

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Brock Overview

Brock is a long-range sharpshooter whose primary attack, “Rockin’ Rocket,” launches rockets that deal significant damage upon impact. His Super, “Rocket Rain,” unleashes a barrage of rockets over a wide area, making it highly effective for area denial and breaking cover. Let’s go into details of these attacks:

  • Normal Attack – Rockin’ Rocket:

Brock hurls a single Rockin’ Rocket that truly lives up to its name by covering impressive distances.

Damage: A whopping 1160 points of pain.

Range: His rockets can reach targets from a very long distance.

Reload Speed: Unfortunately, it’s on the slower side.

  • Super Skill – Rocket Rain:

When Brock unleashes his Super, it’s like a meteorological event: a rocket barrage that obliterates enemies and obstacles alike.

Damage: Each rocket deals 1040 damage.

Range: It’s still quite respectable, falling under the long category.

  • Gadgets and Star Powers:

Rocket Laces: With this gadget, Brock blasts the ground beneath him, propelling himself into the air. He can jump over map obstacles like walls or ponds. The explosion also deals 500 damage to nearby foes.

Rocket Fuel: His next attack becomes a mega rocket—bigger, badder, faster, and capable of demolishing walls.

  • Best Maps for Brock:

Magnetic Field, Bot Riot, Factory Rush, and Nuts and Bolts are some of the maps where Brock can shine.

Strengths of Brock

  • Long Range: Brock can hit targets from a great distance, keeping him safe from many threats.
  • High Burst Damage: His rockets can deal a lot of damage to a single target or group, ideal for taking out enemies quickly.
  • Area Denial: His Super can control the battlefield, forcing opponents to move out of position.

Weaknesses of Brock

  • Slow Reload Speed: Brock’s reload time is relatively slow, requiring players to be accurate with their shots.
  • Vulnerable to Fast Aggressors: Close-range brawlers can overwhelm Brock if they get too close.

Colt Overview

Colt, another long-range sharpshooter, wields dual pistols and fires a series of bullets that can shred through enemies and obstacles alike. His Super, “Bullet Storm,” releases an extended barrage of bullets, increasing his range and destructive capability. Let’s delve deeper into the arsenal of Colt, the sharpshooting sensation in Brawl Stars:

  • Normal Attack – Six-Shooters:

Colt unleashes a straight, long-ranged volley of six bullets from his revolvers. Each individual bullet deals moderate damage, but when all six hit an enemy, they can pack quite a punch. The entire attack sequence takes approximately 0.8 seconds to complete.

  • Super Skill – Bullet Storm:

When Colt activates his Super, it’s like a tempest of lead: a longer-ranged volley of twelve piercing bullets. These bullets are larger than his regular attack, travel faster, and can destroy obstacles.

Note that while the bullets obliterate walls, they don’t pierce through them—once a wall tile is destroyed, the bullets vanish. The Super takes about 1.4 seconds to execute and during it, Colt cannot attack or reload, and it gets canceled if he’s knocked back, pulled, or stunned.

  • Gadgets and Star Powers:

Speedloader: Colt’s first Gadget instantly reloads two ammo.

Silver Bullet: His second Gadget empowers his next attack, turning it into a single piercing bullet that demolishes obstacles and deals the damage of two regular attack bullets.

Slick Boots (Star Power): Passively increases Colt’s movement speed.

Magnum Special (Star Power): Enhances his main attack’s range and bullet speed.

Hypercharge (Star Power): Widens the area of effect for his Super.

Strengths of Colt

  • Rapid Fire: Colt’s attack speed allows him to deliver continuous damage, overwhelming opponents quickly.
  • Wall Breaking: His Super can destroy cover, opening up the map and making it harder for enemies to hide.
  • High Damage Potential: With precise aim, Colt can quickly eliminate opponents, especially those caught in his Super’s path.

Weaknesses of Colt

  • Requires Precision: Colt’s effectiveness is highly dependent on landing consecutive shots.
  • Lack of Crowd Control: Unlike Brock, Colt struggles to control large areas and must focus on specific targets.

Comparison and Situational Effectiveness

  • Game Modes: Brock tends to excel in game modes like Bounty and Heist, where his long-range and burst damage can take out key targets from a safe distance. Colt, on the other hand, shines in modes like Siege and Brawl Ball, where his rapid-fire and wall-breaking abilities can quickly change the game’s dynamics.
  • Map Dependency: Brock is better suited for open maps where he can use his range to full effect. Colt thrives in maps with narrow passages and walls, using his bullet spread and wall-breaking Super to control space and eliminate enemies.
  • Team Composition: Brock works well in teams that need a strong backline damage dealer who can pick off enemies from afar. Colt fits into compositions that require aggressive push and constant pressure on the enemy.


As you can see, both brawlers bring valuable skills to the table, and the better choice will depend on your strategy, preferred game modes, and the map being played. The exact answer to the question: Who is better – Brock or Colt? do not exist. Whether you choose the explosive power of Brock or the relentless assault of Colt, mastering your chosen brawler’s strengths and understanding their weaknesses will be key to your success in Brawl Stars.

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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