Underdog in Brawl Stars mobile game

What does Underdog Mean in Brawl Stars?

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj
Fact checked by:
Srdjan Markovic
Short Answer

Brawl Stars’ Underdog feature is a thoughtful addition aimed at leveling the playing field in uneven match situations.

“Underdog” in Brawl Stars carries specific significance in the game’s matchmaking and gameplay dynamics. Grasping the essence of the Underdog status will not only change how you view your matches but also how you strategize within the game. In this article, I will shed light on the Underdog system, its effects on your matches, and how you can leverage this status to your benefit.

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What is an Underdog?

The Underdog status in Brawl Stars is a matchmaking feature introduced to balance games where players face uneven odds due to discrepancies in team composition or player trophy levels. This status aims to make matchmaking fairer and the game more enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their experience level or trophy count.

How Do You Get the Underdog Label?

There are two main situations where you might find yourself tagged as an Underdog:

  1. Disproportionate Matchmaking: When the game pairs you with or against players whose trophy levels significantly differ from yours, you’ll gain the Underdog status. This condition acknowledges the uphill battle you might face against more seasoned players or the challenge of having less experienced players on your team.
  2. Grouping with Friends of Varied Levels: Teaming up with a friend whose trophy count greatly differs from yours can also trigger the Underdog status if the matchmaking system fails to find a balanced match. This acknowledges the potential mismatch that can occur when players of diverse skill levels play together.

The Consequences of Being an Underdog

The Underdog status tweaks your gaming experience in a couple of ways:

  • Increased Trophy Gains and Reduced Losses:  As an Underdog, winning a match rewards you with more trophies than usual, while losing results in a smaller loss of trophies. This adjustment aims to lessen the sting of uneven matches and reward those who manage to defy the odds.
  • Heads-up Notification: When you attain Underdog status, the game notifies you before the match begins. This heads-up serves to make you aware of the matchmaking scenario you’re about to face and mentally prepares you for the challenge ahead.

Playing Smart as an Underdog

  • Adopt a Cautious Strategy: Acknowledge the potential skill discrepancy and play more defensively to avoid errors and exploit any overconfidence on the part of your opponents.
  • Focus on Teamwork: Work closely with your teammates, combining your strengths to mitigate weaknesses and snatch opportunities.
  • Learn from the Experience: Treat matches as Underdog as a chance to observe and learn from higher-trophy players, integrating their tactics into your own gameplay.
  • Maintain a Positive Mindset: The real pressure is on your higher-ranked adversaries. As the Underdog, you stand to lose less and gain more, enabling you to play more freely and boldly.

Brawl Stars’ Underdog feature is a thoughtful addition aimed at leveling the playing field in uneven match situations. You should understand and adapt to the Underdog system, because it can transform what seems like a disadvantage into a valuable opportunity for learning and unexpected triumphs in your gaming journey. Do you agree?

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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