Jurassic World Alive mobile game dinosaurs

JWA Tier List 2024: Best Dinosaurs in Jurassic World Alive

Written by:
Ivana Kegalj

Jurassic World Alive allows players to collect and battle with dinosaurs in a virtual world that overlays the real one. Over time, certain dinosaurs have emerged as top contenders in the game due to their battle prowess, abilities, and strategic value. In this guide I will share my personal experience with Jurassic World Alive and make lists of dinosaurs I find best for this year, sorted in different categories.

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Best Dinosaurs for Battle in Jurassic World Alive

The best dinosaurs for battle typically combine strong attack power, high health, and useful abilities like shielding, healing, or stunning. Here is how I ranked them:

  • Indoraptor: Known for its versatility and powerful cloaking ability, which allows it to avoid damage and strike back with increased power.
  • Thoradolosaur: Offers high damage output with the potential for critical hits, and its stunning attacks can disrupt opponents.
  • Trykosaurus: A tank with a strong counter-attack ability, making it excellent for absorbing damage and retaliating against attackers.
  • Erlidominus: Features high damage and a cloaking ability, enabling it to effectively ambush opponents.
  • Magnapyritor: Valued for its speed and ability to nullify opponents’ advantages like shields and cloaks.
  • Utarinex: Combines distracting and stunning moves, making it great for controlling the flow of battle.
  • Geminititan: A resilient tank with significant damage potential, capable of handling various threats due to its immunity to many debuffs.
  • Ardentismaxima: Offers a blend of power and durability, with the ability to deliver strong attacks while withstanding significant damage.

Best Legendary Dinosaurs

The best legendary dinosaurs in Jurassic World Alive often combine powerful abilities, high stats, and versatile movesets, making them strong contenders in battles. Here are my top picks:

  • Indominus Rex: Known for its cloaking ability, which increases its chance to dodge attacks and boosts its next attack’s damage, making it a potent threat in battles.
  • Utahsinoraptor: Offers a great mix of speed, stunning attacks, and critical hits, allowing it to take on various opponents effectively.
  • Allosinosaurus: Features high damage output and has the ability to stun opponents, making it a formidable force in the arena.
  • Tragodistis: A tank with good healing and shielding capabilities, providing it with longevity and staying power in fights.
  • Dracoceratops: Notorious for its swap-in rampage ability, which allows it to deal significant damage when entering the battle, often turning the tide in its favor.
  • Monolometrodon: Offers a versatile skill set with nullifying and distracting attacks, making it effective against a wide range of opponents.
  • Paramoloch: Known for its stunning moves and ability to heal itself and teammates, making it a valuable support dinosaur in team battles.
  • Diloranosaurus: Combines high damage, stunning, and distracting abilities, allowing it to control the flow of the battle effectively.

Best Epic Dinosaurs

Epic dinosaurs are a tier below legendary but can still be incredibly effective in battle. The best epic dinosaurs often have strong abilities and stats that make them competitive, even against higher-tiered dinosaurs. I think these are the top epic dinosaurs:

  • Rexy (Tyrannosaurus rex): Known for its high damage output and critical hit chance, making it one of the most powerful attackers in the epic category.
  • Velosrhacos: Combines speed with high damage and has evasive abilities, allowing it to dodge attacks and strike back effectively.
  • Therizinosaurus: Features unique abilities like healing and high damage attacks, making it a versatile contender in battles.
  • Erlikospyx: Offers a combination of speed, distracting, and bleeding attacks, allowing it to weaken and outmaneuver opponents.
  • Baryonyx: Known for its strong rending attacks that can bypass armor and deal significant percentage-based damage.
  • Spinonyx: Combines bleeding attacks with high damage, making it effective against a wide range of opponents.
  • Postimetrodon: Valued for its immunity to debuffs and balanced attack and health stats, making it a reliable choice in various situations.
  • Gorgosaurus: Features powerful attacks and can increase its own damage output, making it a potent threat to enemies.

Best Raid Dinosaurs in Jurassic World Alive

The best dinosaurs for raids often differ from those optimal for PvP battles due to the cooperative and endurance-focused nature of raid encounters. Effective raid dinosaurs typically have abilities that benefit the entire team, such as healing, damage mitigation, and powerful group attacks. Here are my top choices for this category:

  • Tuoramoloch: Known for its supportive abilities, including group healing and stunning, making it invaluable in long raid battles.
  • Diorajasaur: Offers a combination of high defense, counter-attack, and the ability to shield and taunt, protecting teammates from damage.
  • Thoradolosaur: Brings massive damage to the table with its high attack power and critical hit chance, effective for quickly reducing boss health.
  • Tenontorex: Versatile with strong attacks, healing, and the ability to debuff opponents, making it a great all-rounder for raids.
  • Ardentismaxima: Its balanced stats, significant health pool, and powerful attacks make it a sturdy and reliable choice for taking on tough raid bosses.
  • Trykosaurus: Combines tank-like durability with strong counter-attacks, allowing it to both withstand and dish out considerable damage in raids.
  • Gorgotrebax: Notable for its ability to apply distraction and critical reduction to the boss, while also dealing significant damage.
  • Hadros Lux: A powerful healer with substantial group healing abilities, ensuring team longevity and sustained combat effectiveness.

Tips for Using Dinosaurs in Jurassic World Alive

My sincere advice is to always ensure your team has a mix of these top dinosaurs to handle various threats and strategies you’ll encounter in the arena. Regularly upgrade and apply stat boosts to enhance your dinosaurs’ combat effectiveness. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of all of them and strategize your play accordingly, knowing when to switch or when to press the attack.

Dinosaurs I mentioned in the previous lists are currently among the best choices in Jurassic World Alive for 2024, offering a blend of power, agility, and strategic depth. As the game evolves, stay updated on changes in dinosaur stats and abilities to keep your team competitive. Enjoy the thrill of collecting, upgrading, and battling with these prehistoric giants in the virtual world of Jurassic World Alive!

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Ivana Kegalj

Ivana Kegalj, a passionate gamer and skilled storyteller, brings the vibrant world of gaming to life at C2C. With a knack for turning gaming experiences into engaging reads, Ivana helps players navigate and excel in the rewarding universe of Coins2Cash.

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